Stop switching back and forth. Win back your time by managing information & collaborating online in Nimbus
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People like you use Nimbus for building:
Join 1,000,000+ remote teams and professionals who chose our collaboration software
Trusted by employees from:
Fewer emails, fewer meetings. More results
Use Nimbus to create an efficient, collaborative environment and to enable deep work for remote teams
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Easier to manage when it's all-in-one
Tired of jumping through multiple online solutions? Nimbus is a perfect platform for your business
Let your clients relax
- One-link access for your clients
- Our collaboration tool makes it easy to give feedback on any element
- Easily transform feedback into action items for project management
- Send emails to the client portal and keep all information in one place
Satisfied clients are the best strategy and source of growth for your business!
Empower your business with the best online tools
- Connect your own CNAME and SMTP server to Nimbus pages
- Add your branding & logo and erase mentions of Nimbus
- Integrate your favorite marketing tools and better interact with your audience via our collaboration software
- Embed all-in-one Nimbus documents to your platforms and bring flexibility to them
Strive for greater success. Rule your business and let it grow online
Recognized with numerous awards
Easily migrate to Nimbus from old tools
Import from other services to Nimbus and explore more features for a reasonable price. Enjoy our all-in-one collaboration tool